The Cantata Trail

A listening journey through Bach's cantatas

New Year’s recreations

Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied!
BWV 190

Cantata 190 is Bach’s first New Year’s cantata in Leipzig, composed for January 1st, 1724. Unfortunately, it has not survived intact, probably due to Bach himself reusing the music for a later occasion around 1730. For the first two movements, all we have are voice and violin parts. Scholars and musicians have attempted to reconstruct the missing material several times, in some cases with great results.

The cantata’s libretto, by an unknown poet, is centered around praising God, giving thanks for the year that’s ending and praying for blessings in the times ahead. In doing so, it incorporates only tangential references to the Gospel of the day (Luke 2:21), which refers to the name of Jesus: the last line of movement 4 says “Thus I begin this year in Jesus’ name“, and movement 5 repeats “Jesus” to start each line. The opening chorus incorporates verses from Psalms 149 and 150, and from the German Te Deum (Luther, 1529), which also appear in movement 2. The final chorale comes from a New Year hymn by Johannes Herman of 1593.

Even though we’re missing most of the opening movement, the cover page of the extant Violin I part contains a note listing how the cantata was orchestrated: 3 trumpets and timpani, 3 oboes, bassoon, strings, and continuo, plus a four-part choir. The inner movements show that three solo voices were called for (alto, tenor and bass).

The cues at our disposal tell us that the initial movement was a majestic and grandiose choral piece that must have surely stunned the Leipzig congregations. After 24 bars of instrumental ritornello, which reconstructors have to rebuild taking cues from the two violin parts and voice lines, the choir comes in with text that is a combination of Psalms 149 and 150, set to phrases of imitative, festive motifs alternating with homophonic sections for emphasis. After this initial section, the choir delivers the first line of the German Te Deum in unison, leading to a choral fugue on another segment of text from the Psalms. Then a second line from the German Te Deum follows, closing with an abbreviated version of the opening music for the final “Hallelujah”.

The German Te Deum is used as a link into the second movement. Here, the choir delivers the same two lines of the hymn in four-part harmony two times, between segments of recitative by the bass, tenor and alto giving thanks. Reconstructors all assume that this movement was accompanied by just strings and continuo, which implies that only the continuo line for the recitative sections has to be recreated.

A song of praise follows for the alto accompanied by strings and continuo. It’s set in triple movement with dance-like motifs and frequent syncopations giving it a festive character. Scholars suspect that this music could be parodied from a secular piece, but no evidence has been found so far.

Next is a recitative for bass, which turns into arioso towards the end to emphasize the reference to Jesus’ name, per the Gospel. This connection is further strengthened in the following aria / duet, for the tenor and bass. Its text uses the rhetorical device known as “anaphora”, in which the same expression (in this case “Jesus”) is repeated in every line for emphasis. The duet is accompanied by continuo and an undesignated solo instrument, for which a part was also lost. Most performers assume that it was a violin.

The last recitative, accompanied by strings, goes to the tenor, requesting blessings in the new year for a long list of recipients – the Saxon ruler (“His anointed”) and his family (“stem and branches”), the church, school and teachers, authorities, the city and its households.

Stanza 7 of Herman’s hymn closes the cantata, returning to the initial bright and festive key of D major. The strings and oboes double the voices, and the trumpet choir punctuates each line with a fanfare.

1. Chor
Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied!
Die Gemeine der Heiligen soll ihn loben!
Lobet ihn mit Pauken und Reigen,
lobet ihn mit Saiten und Pfeifen!
 Herr Gott, dich loben wir!
Alles, was Odem hat, lobe den Herrn!
 Herr Gott, wir danken dir!
1. Chorus
Sing to the Lord a new song!
The congregation of saints should praise Him!
Praise Him with timbrels and dances,
praise Him with strings and pipes!
 Lord God, we praise you!
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!
 Lord God, we thank you!
2. Choral und Rezitativ (A, T, B)

Herr Gott, dich loben wir,

Dass du mit diesem neuen Jahr
Uns neues Glück und neuen Segen schenkest
Und noch in Gnaden an uns denkest.

Herr Gott, wir danken dir,

Dass deine Gütigkeit
In der vergangnen Zeit
Das ganze Land und unsre werte Stadt
Vor Teurung, Pestilenz und Krieg behütet hat.

Herr Gott, dich loben wir,

Denn deine Vatertreu
Hat noch kein Ende,
Sie wird bei uns noch alle Morgen neu.
Drum falten wir,
Barmherzger Gott, dafür
In Demut unsre Hände
Und sagen lebenslang
Mit Mund und Herzen Lob und Dank.

Herr Gott, wir danken dir!
2. Chorale and Recitative (A, T, B)

Lord God, we praise you,

That with this new year
You grant us new happiness and new blessings
And still think of us in mercy.

Lord God, we thank you,

That your kindness
In the past year
Has protected the whole land and our dear city
From inflation, pestilence, and war.

Lord God, we praise you,

For your fatherly faithfulness
Has no end,
It becomes new every morning for us.
Therefore, we fold,
Merciful God, for this
In humility our hands
And say lifelong
With mouth and heart, praise and thanks.

Lord God, we thank you!
3. Aria (A)
Lobe, Zion, deinen Gott,
Lobe deinen Gott mit Freuden,
Auf! erzähle dessen Ruhm,
Der in seinem Heiligtum
Fernerhin dich als dein Hirt
Will auf grüner Auen weiden.
3. Aria (Alto)
Praise, Zion, your God,
Praise your God with joy,
Arise! Proclaim His glory,
Who in His sanctuary
Henceforth as your shepherd
Will pasture you in green meadows.
4. Rezitativ (B)
Es wünsche sich die Welt,
Was Fleisch und Blute wohlgefällt;
Nur eins, eins bitt ich von dem Herrn,
Dies eine hätt ich gern:
Dass Jesus, meine Freude,
Mein treuer Hirt, mein Trost und Heil
Und meiner Seelen bestes Teil,
Mich als ein Schäflein seiner Weide
Auch dieses Jahr mit seinem Schutz umfasse
Und nimmermehr aus seinen Armen lasse.
Sein guter Geist,
Der mir den Weg zum Leben weist,
Regier und führe mich auf ebner Bahn,
So fang ich dieses Jahr in Jesu Namen an.
4. Recitative (Bass)
Let the world desire
What pleases flesh and blood;
Only one thing, one thing I ask of the Lord,
This one thing I would like:
That Jesus, my joy,
My faithful shepherd, my comfort, and salvation
And the best part of my soul,
As a sheep of His pasture
This year too may embrace me with His protection
And never let me out of His arms.
His good Spirit,
Who shows me the way to life,
Govern and lead me on a level path,
Thus I begin this year in Jesus' name.
5. Aria (T, B)
Jesus soll mein alles sein,
Jesus soll mein Anfang bleiben,
Jesus ist mein Freudenschein,
Jesu will ich mich verschreiben.
Jesus hilft mir durch sein Blut,
Jesus macht mein Ende gut.
5. Aria (Tenor, Bass)
Jesus shall be my everything,
Jesus shall remain my beginning,
Jesus is my joy,
To Jesus, I will devote myself.
Jesus helps me through His blood,
Jesus makes my end good.
6. Rezitativ (T)
Nun, Jesus gebe,
Dass mit dem neuen Jahr auch sein Gesalbter lebe;
Er segne beides, Stamm und Zweige,
Auf dass ihr Glück bis an die Wolken steige.
Es segne Jesus Kirch und Schul,
Er segne alle treue Lehrer,
Er segne seines Wortes Hörer;
Er segne Rat und Richterstuhl;
Er gieß auch über jedes Haus
In unsrer Stadt die Segensquellen aus;
Er gebe, dass aufs neu
Sich Fried und Treu
In unsern Grenzen küssen mögen.
So leben wir dies ganze Jahr im Segen.
6. Recitative (Tenor)
Now, may Jesus grant
That with the new year His anointed also lives;
He bless both, stem and branches,
So that their fortune may rise to the clouds.
May Jesus bless the church and school,
Bless all faithful teachers,
Bless the hearers of His word;
Bless the council and the seat of judgment;
He also pours over every house
In our city the wells of blessing;
He grants that anew
Peace and loyalty
May kiss within our borders.
Thus we live this whole year in blessing.
7. Choral
Lass uns das Jahr vollbringen
Zu Lob dem Namen dein,
Dass wir demselben singen
In der Christen Gemein;
Wollst uns das Leben fristen
Durch dein allmächtig Hand,
Erhalt deine lieben Christen
Und unser Vaterland.
Dein Segen zu uns wende,
Gib Fried an allem Ende;
Gib unverfälscht im Lande
Dein seligmachend Wort.
Die Heuchler mach zuschanden
Hier und an allem Ort.
7. Chorale
Let us complete the year
In praise of Your name,
That we may sing the same
In the Christian community;
May You prolong our lives
With Your almighty hand,
Preserve Your dear Christians
And our fatherland.
Turn Your blessing towards us,
Give peace at every end;
Give unadulterated in the land
Your salvific word.
Put the hypocrites to shame
Here and in every place.

Robin Blaze, alto
James Gilchrist, tenor
Peter Kooy, bass
Bach Collegium Japan
Masaaki Suzuki

Alex Potter, alto
Benedict Hymas, tenor
Peter Kooij, bass
Collegium Vocale Gent
Philippe Herreweghe

Angels Making Music (c. 1480)

Hans Memling


Choral and Recitative (Bass, Tenor, Alto)
Aria (Alto)
Recitative (Bass)
Aria – Duet (Tenor, Bass)
Recitative (Tenor)


Robin Blaze, alto
James Gilchrist, tenor
Peter Kooy, bass
Bach Collegium Japan
Masaaki Suzuki